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What We Do

Board members accept the Leaning into League Power award from the LWV California for our work on redistricting and defending fair representation.

See our pages on Redistricting and the Independent Redistricting Commission.

Education and Advocacy


As a nonpartisan organization, we never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates; therefore, the public can always depend on the League for nonpartisan information about voter registration, ballot measures, legislation, and elections of government officials. Also, if a League recommendation has been adopted through legislation or passage of a ballot measure, we follow up to the extent possible to ensure that the will of the voters has been honored. 


The League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County has a long, proud history of expanding voter access, fighting voter suppression, advocating for limits of money in politics and opposing partisan and racial gerrymandering. We welcome members to join us in educating voters and advocating for government accountability.

We offer a wide variety of services to register, inform and engage voters in the democratic process. Find out more...

Voter Resources


Registering students at local high schools

We Advance Democracy

We Take a Stand

Not only do we register voters, at each election we work at the polls helping people cast their ballots.

If you would like to volunteer, email

We take a stand and advocate for important governmental issues and policies. We always advocate for voting rights, but we also take stands on issues like redistricting.

Click here to see the action alerts for local, state and national issues.

We Work on Social Issues

We Educate

We identify issues that affect our local communities, bring in experts to discuss the issues, and advocate for possible solutions.

Click here to see what we are doing to address social issues in our community.

Through our newsletter, webinars and Lunch with the League we share information about issues that affect voters in SLO County.

Look for upcoming presentations in the bi-monthly issue of The Voter. Past webinars are available on our YouTube channel.

Click here to see our archived webinars.

League members help with candidates forum

League Actions and Accomplishments for 2023- 2024

We have been busy. Here are some of the highlights of the past year:

  • Hosted member meetings in June and in September that featured presentations by California Assembly person Dawn Addis and Stephanie Finucane, opinions editor for The Tribune.
  • Held candidate forums and Pros and Cons for the March primary election.
  • Was a sponsor for the Latina Empowerment Roundtable.
  • Hosted a holiday party for members and honored guests.
  • Worked with SLO Rep on the fundraiser early preview of the play "What the Constitution Means to Me."
  • Provided personnel to staff four polling places.
  • Advocated for and worked with local and state officials on an provision for an Independent Redistricting Commission.
  • Presented webinars as a part of our Lunch with League series.
  • Monitored several natural resource projects
  • Reinstituted the Civil Discourse committee.
  • Held a new member orientation and inaugurated an informal, monthly cocktail hour.

Latina Empowerment Roundtable


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403