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Action Alert: Support the Regional Compact on Homelessness

Published on 2/18/2023

Call to Action: Support the Regional Compact on Homelessness

Urge your City Council to Make Addressing Homelessness a Priority

  • In August 2022 the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors adopted The San Luis Obispo Countywide Plan to Address Homelessness: 2022-2027. The goal of this 5-year plan is to reduce the number of people experiencing homelessness by 50% over current levels.

  • To achieve this goal it is essential that the provision of housing and services be coordinated. Lack of coordination in the current system has caused duplication of efforts, competition for resources, service gaps, and an inability to manage efforts effectively across the County.

  • The Regional Compact on Homelessness will help to ensure coordination and is essential to the work of addressing homelessness countywide.

  • Cities are currently setting priorities and developing work plans for the coming budget cycle. Now is the time to urge all incorporated Cities to make homelessness a priority and to agree to take part in developing and approving the Regional Compact on Homelessness.
What you can do:
  • Attend a City Council meeting and make public comment urging that homelessness be made a priority and that your city agree to support the Regional Compact on Homelessness.

  • Send a letter or email to City Council members urging them to include homelessness in their planning and support the Regional Compact on Homelessness. See email contacts for City Council members under Resources.

  • Make your friends and neighbors, clubs and church groups aware of what’s happening to address homelessness in your community. Tell them about the 5-year strategic plan and the Regional Compact on Homelessness and urge them to contact City Council members.
Talking Points:
  • Housing and Homelessness is the most critical social issue of our time. We must make it a priority as we set goals and plan our city budgets.

  • San Luis Obispo County recently adopted a five-year plan to reduce homelessness. This is a Countywide plan that we should participate in. It’s very important for all of us to coordinate to make the best use of our resources.

  • The best way for us to have an impact on the issues of housing and homelessness is to make a conscious effort to coordinate our work with what’s going on in other jurisdictions. The County’s 5-year plan to reduce homelessness includes a Regional Compact on Homelessness to help us do that.

  • The Regional Compact on Homelessness will enable the County and Cities to allocate responsibilities and resources efficiently. Each jurisdiction will have input on this process to ensure that the burdens and benefits are fairly shared.

  • Right now, as jurisdictions in SLO County are going through goal setting and adopting work plans for the current budget cycle, is the right time to adopt homelessness, including a plan to join the Regional Compact on Homelessness, as a priority goal.

  • Homelessness is the critical social issue of our day and one that the County and Cities must address together. No jurisdiction can do this alone.
  • SLO County 5-Year Strategic Plan on Homelessness here.
  • City Council Members – email contacts here.
  • League of Women Voters letter to the editor here.
  • League of Women Voters letter to City Councils here.
  • Learn more by reading A Regional Compact on Homelessness presentation by Susan Funk, Chair of the Homeless Services Oversight Council here.


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403