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Date: 9/11/2023
Subject: The Voter: BOS IRC Report, Action Alerts, Webinars & More

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.
The official newsletter of the League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County.

Vol 65  |  Issue 8  |  Date: Sept 11, 2023

In this issue:


Update on Formation of an Independent Redistricting Commission
Board of Supervisors Discussion on September 12

At the September 12, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board will receive and discuss a report presented by County Counsel on options for creating an independent redistricting commission for the County of San Luis Obispo. Tuesday’s discussion is likely to be the first in a series the Board will have on this important topic. This item is expected to be discussed at 1:30 PM.

Our League has consistently supported the creation of a truly independent redistricting commission, and League members are encouraged to attend Tuesday’s meeting to learn what options the Board is considering.

We have submitted public comment on Agenda Item #34 and Co-President Elizabeth Manak will read our comment into the record at the meeting. See our public comment here.

At this first meeting on the topic staff will report on the statutory framework for establishing redistricting commissions, the various formats and scope of responsibility for such commissions, and the requirements set out in the Elections Code for the composition and qualifications of members of the commission. Several cities and counties have already established redistricting commissions and offer models our County Board of Supervisors might follow. County staff are asking the Board of Supervisors to provide direction on further analysis or action related to this issue.

There is currently a statewide push to establish local independent redistricting commissions. See this report from Cal Matters Who Draws the Lines? and the League's Action Alert on AB 764 and AB 1248 (see below) to find out more.


Action Alert

Ensure Fair RedistrictingStrengthen Democracy Image

Redistricting, the process of redrawing election district boundaries every ten years to ensure that districts have equal populations, is crucial to our democracy. AB 764 (Bryan & Cervantes) and AB 1248 (Bryan & Allen) would help ensure that local jurisdictions adopt electoral maps that result in fair representation for all Californians. Read more and tell your state Senator to vote YES on AB 764 & AB 1248 here.

SJR 7AA ImageOppose a Constitutional Convention

The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) strongly opposes Governor Newsom's recent decision to seek an Article V constitutional convention. The proposal, encapsulated in SJR-7, seeks to add California to the states aiming to alter the U.S. Constitution, a move that comes without a clear structure or guidelines. Read more and tell your legislators to vote NO on SJR-7 here.

ACA 13 ImageProtect and Retain the Majority Vote
Join LWVC to Support Voting Thresholds for Ballot Measures
Tell Your Assemblymember: Vote YES on ACA 13

Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 13 would do two things. It would require ballot measures proposing to increase the number of votes needed to pass a measure, to pass by that same increased number. ACA 13 would also preserve the right of local governments to place advisory questions asking voters their opinions on the ballot.

Under current law, a simple majority may pass a measure to require a supermajority of voters’ approval for future action. This practice gives disproportionate power to a small number of voters. ACA 13 will provide a critical bulwark against a growing trend by regressive forces to further rule by a minority of voters.

See the LWVC support letter and the fact sheet on ACA 13 for more information.

The bottom line: ACA 13 will protect the will of the majority of voters to make their voices heard on constitutional amendments and protect voters’ ability to advise their elected officials via local advisory questions.

Take Action Now


National Voter Registration DaySeptember 19 is National Voter Registration Day. This nonpartisan, civic holiday celebrates the right to vote, the most fundamental component of a healthy democracy. Sadly, according to the 2020 census, only one in four Americans is registered to vote. This is alarming, writes Richard Haas, author of The Bill of Obligations. The United States ranks thirtieth out of the 35 democracies in the world with successful economies when it comes to percentage of the population that actually votes! It is dangerous for our democracy that so few Americans are actively involved in voting.

National Voter Registration Day is a day to set aside partisan differences and celebrate civic unity, enjoying the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of our democracy. Since it was first created in 2012, over 5 million people in all 50 states have registered to vote on National Registration Day.

Celebrate it yourself by encouraging friends and family members to check their registration status and register to vote. Here are the links: Voter Registration Status | Register to Vote.


On Saturday, September 30 from 9 am to 12 pm, the LWV SLOCO will host our Opening Meeting and Brunch. We invite our members and their guests to join us for this in-person event. We're pleased to welcome Stephanie Finucane, The Tribune opinion editor, who will discuss how we can ensure an informed public in the current media environment of limited resources, breaking news, short attention spans, and polarized views of what the news really is.
  • How does local media serve our community?
  • What happens when a local newspaper shuts down or greatly curtails coverage of local events?
  • What can be done to ensure our community gets the information we need as members of a democratic society at a time of diminishing resources for quality local journalism?
Stephanie FinucaneStephanie Finucane is a native of San Luis Obispo County and a graduate of Cal Poly. Before joining The Tribune, she worked at the Santa Barbara News-Press and the Santa Maria Times. At The Tribune she worked her way up from reporter to Opinion Editor. She has received awards from the California News Publishers Association (CNPA) for Opinion & Enterprise writing; the McClatchy Co. President’s Award in 2014; and the AP News Executives Council Public Service Award in 2004.

The in-person meeting will be held in the Madonna Inn Garden Room. The fee for the in-person meeting, including brunch, is $40. Brunch includes a quiche and fruit buffet, coffee and muffins.

Doors will open for check-in at the Madonna Inn at 9 am, with the meeting starting at 9:30 am. If you are unable to attend in person the meeting can be viewed on Zoom but registration is required. The Zoom link will be sent in an email following registration.
Register online here to attend the luncheon in person ($40) or to attend on Zoom (free). Or call us at 805-242-6990 to register by phone. Please RSVP by September 22.

This event is limited to League members and their guests. Please contact us at with any questions.

Register Here To Attend - In Person or on Zoom


Quinn DubrulThe 2023 League of Women Voters Scholarship in Memory of Beverly Hund at Cuesta College has been awarded to Quinn Dubrul, an incoming student at Cuesta. Quinn is majoring in Environmental Studies and plans to work for the US National Parks system upon graduation. She wants to be a park ranger or natural resource manager. Quinn says, “I want to use my knowledge of our world to protect and support the environment.”

Beverly Hund was President of the League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo from 1991 to 1993. She served on the board for many years and was particularly committed to women’s education. The scholarship established in her name is awarded to a woman student in the fields of mathematics or science.


LWV Santa Clara Logo
Santa Clara LTWL

Author Eleanor Herman explores the patterns that have been operating for more than three thousand years—and are still operating today—against powerful women across the globe, including Cleopatra, Anne Boleyn, Marie Antoinette, Catherine the Great, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and more. Each chapter analyzes misogynistic methods to keep women down:

Her Overweening Ambition
Why Doesn’t She Do Something About Her Hair?
The Dangers of Female Hormones
The Alarming Shrillness of Her Voice
The Mysterious Unlikability of Female Candidates
She’s a Bitch and Other Animals
She’s a Witch and Other Monsters

You can register now here and submit your questions for the author in advance or during the talk using the chat function.


LWV/NICD Network Webinar | Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023, 12 pm
Are You Ready for 2024…and Beyond?

How do we build trust and participation in our democracy? How do we get beyond where we are now? What innovations are having success?

Preparing for the year ahead, we’re conducting a democracy stress test, looking at the challenges ahead nationally and sharing solutions available locally with an outstanding panel who will provide insight and tools for engaging community members. There will be small group interactive discussions to meet Leaguers from across the country to share ideas and understandings as well. 

This session features Matt Leighninger, Director of the Center for Democracy Innovation at the National Civic League; Tommy Gong, Deputy County Recorder for Contra Costa County, CA; and League Network members Janet Hoy, Melanie Speir, Marieann Shovlin, and Bob Barrett, members of various California Bay Area Leagues.

Register here.

National Drive Electric Week - Sept 22 - Oct 1

Electrify Your Life: At Home and on the Road / Expo & EV Showcase

Thursday, September 28, 4 - 9 pmDrive Electric Week image
Details and registration here.

This two-part event will start in the SLO County Library Conference Room where participants will hear about the many ways to electrify your life at home. You will not only learn how to get started on the path to an electric lifestyle and the resources available to help you, but you will also be able to talk to those who have made the switch. A variety of vendors and organizations will be represented, offering valuable information about the financial incentives and technical assistance available for going electric. The second half of the event will be outside in the Farmers' Market, where EV owners will showcase their cars, answer questions and discuss the many advantages of driving electric. Speakers at the Expo include:

  • Andy Pease, City Councilmember and Green Building consultant 
  • Alexa Colon, Regional Rep for Electriq Power, presenting the Powered Up SLO program, installing no-cost solar and battery systems for SLO county residents
  • Gray Gautereaux of 3C-REN, presenting a primer on the how-to's of home electrification and an overview of the financial incentives and technical assistance available
Doors open at 4:00 pm for registration and refreshments. The Program begins at 4:25 and will wrap up around 5:45. Vendor tables will stay open until 6:00. Participants will be encouraged to take in the EV Showcase on Chorro Street just a few blocks away. Register here.

See more climate action opportunities here.

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League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

The League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to people 16 years and older, of all gender identities. With over 100 years of experience, the League is one of America’s oldest and most trusted civic nonprofit organizations.

Visit our website here


Phone 805-242-6990

League of Women Voters of San Luis Obispo County

P.O. Box 4210

San Luis Obispo, CA 93403